How you can helpDonate to the Ontario Woodlot Association and support our vision of ensuring the sustainability of Ontario's privately owned forests now and in the future. |
Champion Donor Program - Wall of Champions
On behalf of all the Ontario Woodlot Association, we would like to thank the following individuals, companies and organizations for their gifts. The Association is grateful for their generosity and support of the Champion Donor Program (donors as of December 31, 2024).
As a Friend of the OWA, your $20 donation will help us continue our work. You will receive our monthly e-letter “News from around the Woodlot” and be kept informed of upcoming events and program developments. | With a donation of $25 or more, you become a Champion Donor. You will receive our monthly e-letter “News from around the Woodlot” and be kept informed of upcoming events and program developments. |
Champion Donor Program - Wall of Champions | ||
On behalf of all the Ontario Woodlot Association, we would like to thank the following individuals, companies and organizations for their gifts. The Association is grateful for their generosity and support of the Champion Donor Program (donors as of December 31, 2021). | ||
Woodlot Champions | ||
Black Cherry $10,000 + | ||
White Pine $2,500 - $9,999 | ||
1Anonymous (39) | ||
Maple Leaves Forever | Niagara Land Trust | Sexsmith, David |
Red Oak $1,000 - $2,499 | ||
Barton, Jim | MacGregor, Don & Kittie | Somerville, Fred |
Borrowman, Gene | McCann, Terry | Somerville, John T. |
Brownell, Tom | Meating, Joe | South West Woodlot Association |
Felder, Herb | O'Neil, Kevin | Steckle, Paul |
Fogh, Eyvind | Probst, Lou | Tomosk, Ron |
Hopkins, James | Robertson, Denise & Paul | Waterloo/Wellington Chapter of the OWA |
Lalande, Richard | Running, Ronald & Maureen | Wood, Douglas |
Leenhouts, Pieter | Simser, David R. | Wood-Mizer Canada |
Sugar Maple $500 - $999 | ||
Agnew, Sandy | Endura Construction | Morawetz, Anne |
Baird, Jack | Farrand, Bruce & Jody | Nilsson, Gus |
Baker, Dorothy | Ferguson, David | Paradoski, Brian |
Beaver Island Hunt Camp | Frost, Doug | Pytel, Robert |
Boyd, Andrew | Hawke, David | Reed, Eleanor & Paul |
Broadbent, Matthew | Hubbell - London & Victoria Holdings Inc. | Robinson, Peter and Barbara |
Bull, Tony | Keeling, Tim | Rogers, James |
Campbell, Bruce | MacIntosh, Ian | Shannon, Art & Kymberley |
Clarry, John | MacPherson, William R. | Tank, Jim |
Cole, John | McLeod, Isabel | Valk, Matthew |
D'Anjou Maureen | Mingie, Bob | Ward, John & Mary Rose |
Den Besten, Hendrik | Moeller, Klaus | Wortner, Stanley & Clara |
Edwards, Gord | Moody, David & Jasmine | |
Red Pine $200 - $499 | ||
Allgood, David | Fevang, Ron | Neale, George & Miriam |
Andrews, Bill | Fortune, Jamie & Sherry | Nichols, William |
Andrews, Greg & Lois | Fralick, Wayne | Olito, Charles |
Appleyard, Craig | Fridgen, George WM | Ostrom, Alec |
Armstrong, John | Fuchs, Reinald | Parker, Gregory |
Bartnik, Jacqueline | GWG Resources Services | Pekos, Peter |
Biddle, Devon | Hackett, Andrew | Poitras, Gaetan |
Bracadale Holdings Inc. | Hamilton, Dorothy | Renaud, Donald |
Bridgwater, Greg | Hill, Peter | Roenigk, Margaret |
Bristo, Jeff | Huddak, Tim | Romanoski, Dan |
Brown, Jim (Brantford) | Hughes, Ellen | Russell, Jeff |
Bruemmer, George | Hutchinson, Harry | Scheifele, Greg |
Burch, Tyler | James, Morris | Schwan, Terry |
Camp Ponacka | Johnson, Gail | Scott, Walter |
Campbell, Ross | Joukema, John & Lenore | Silver, Claude |
Chan, Sue | Kennedy, Elaine | Somerville Nurseries Inc. |
Chretien, Francis | King, Arden | Stenton, William |
Christensen, Chris | Knaapen, Frank | Stewart, Neil |
Christie, Martin | Lancaster, Ian | Strait, Mark |
Clouthier & Sons | Leach, Mary | Svob, Frank |
Coleman, Kerry | Llyod, Michael | Symons, Ellen |
Cook, Roger & Elaine | Macaullay, John | Tayler, Rosemary |
Couture, Marcel | Mach, Caroline | Thomas, Ralph |
Cranmer, William | Madzo, Louis | Wheeler, Cody |
Currie, David | Malfara, Anthony & Margaret | White, Richard |
Docking, Ron | Marnoch, Jane | Wiley, Peter |
Dunne-Carter, Karen | McKim, C. Ralph | |
Eagleson, Gary | McKittrick, Michael | Also, in memory of: |
Ecker, Reginald & Karen | Mesaglio, Norman | Fraley, Brian McClelland |
Elgie, Bill & Earl (Loree) | Miscellaneous | Schell, Donald |
Epps. John | Moore, Peter & Gisele | Wipfli, Karl |
White Birch $25 - $199 | ||
Abicht, Walter | Gardiner, Neil | Pridham, Dave |
Achmann, Albert and Ursula | Gatward, William | Purdon, John |
Almack, Lorne | Godkin, Ann | Rackus, Denise |
Alton, Ron | Gore, Pat | Raleigh Falls Timber |
Barr, Lloyd | Greenacre, Nick | Ratcliffe, Walter |
Barr, Pat & Larry | Guertin, John | Redick, Orval |
Bazinet, Larry | Haak, John | Reid, Ed |
Ben Hokum & Sons | Haldimand Chapter | Reniewick, Robert |
Benett, Lynn | Hamley, Peter | Renwick, Jim |
Bickerstaff, Sandy | Hannes, Friedli | Richardson, Harry |
Blackler, Gregg (ken) | Harmsen, Dolf | Robbins, Glenn & Joyce |
Blackwell, Timothy | Harris, Graeme | Rose, Lacey |
Boki, David | Hayday, Kate | Ruby, Marcee |
Bolce, Paul | Haze, Luke | Schell, Donald & Carol |
Bonardi, Alixe | Howitt, Keith & Ann | Schlotzhauer, Murray |
Bovolotto, Kim | Johnson, Faye | Shelegy, Ted |
Brebner, Bryan & Aileen | Keane, Gord | Sheppard, Ted |
Bridger, Gregory | Keeso & Sons Ltd., J H | Shorey, Viviane |
Bronn, Mike & Pam | Kemp, David | Snyder, Arn |
Bryson, Tim | Kenney, Andy | Sprung, Guy |
Bryson, Tom | Kreuger, Helmut | Steels, Paul |
Burnett, Jessica | Lachance, Marc-Andre | Stephenson, Susan |
Burns, Robert A. | Laforna Rod and Gun Club | Stevenson, Douglas |
Burwell, William | Lamoureux, Richard & Lynne | Stocks, David & Ann |
Cameron, Anne Ruth | Lavern Heidenman & Sons Ltd. | Stratford, Graham |
Campbell, Alfred | Limestone Chapter | Stuart, John |
Campbell, D.G & B.E | Lindsay, Bill | Swain, Marion |
Campbell, Neil | Lisoy, Randy | Syer, Lloyd E. |
Carnrite, Rod | Littlejohn, James | Taylor, Frank |
Cayuga Mutual Insurance Company | MacFeeters, Ronald | Todd, Andrew |
Chang, Keith & Shirley | MacKay, Robin | Tomlinson, Jack & Patricia |
Clark, William | Maitland, Lewis | Treichel, Albert |
Cochrane, Robert | Mansell, Dan | Turford, Jeffrey |
Cole, Nancy | Margetts, Kerry | Upper Trent Valley Chapter |
Cole, Stephen & Wendy | Mathewson, Andrew | Van Dieten, Hank |
Colwell, Kristin | Mathewson, Jay | Van Every, Lisa & Scott |
Cook, Jim | Maximovitch, John | Von Herff, Elisabeth |
Craig, Donald | McDonald, J. Charles & Ken | Wagler, Ken |
Davies, Stan and Josephine | McLaren, Bob | Wilcock, Brian |
Delage, Chris | McMillan, Alex | Wilkins, Rick |
Dennis, Doug | McVittie, Don | Williams, Blair & Jean |
Dieleman, Martin | Mesmin, Pierre | Willis, Don |
Dover, Heather | Miller, Allison | Wilson, Malcolm |
Dunning, Neil | Miller, Trever | Wilson, Roger |
Ellenor, Sue | Millican, Jill & Dave | Woods, Bill |
Elliott, Ken | Miner, John | Wynia, Dolf |
Ennis, Barry | Mullins, Barry | Young, Bob |
Evans, Joe | Murray, Jonathan | Young, Nancy |
Farrell, James | Nash, Jamie | Zednik, Jane |
Faulknor, Joy | Nipissing Forest Resources Management | |
Ferrell, Rick & Pam | Nyomtato, Wayne | Also, in memory of: |
Forsellino, Dominick & Angelina | O'Connell, George | |
Fox, Ronald | Parker, Delbert | Christensen, Chris |
Fraas, James | Pengilley, Bruce | McDonald, Donald |
Fueten, Nora | Peters, Adrian | Hill, Peter |
Galipeau, Anne | Phelan, William & Ann | Siemon, Siegfried |
Gardiner Tree Trimming & Removal Ltd. | Potter, John & Mary | Schell, Donald |
1Accumulative donations of anonymous donors (number of donors). Please note that this table was produced by volunteers of the CDP Committee. If there are errors or omissions, we apologize and would ask that you kindly contact Joanne Dudka.
More information on the Champion Donor Program is available on the association’s website at: or by calling 613-713-1525